Welcome back! Please email us if you are having difficulty with a specific timeslot or are in need of space for over 4 hours.

General Availability
Mondays to Fridays:
9:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Evening rentals starting no later than 9:00 PM

3:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Evening rentals starting no later than 6:00 PM

9:00 am - 10:00 PM
Evening rentals starting no later than 6:00 PM

Upcoming Rental Rates for Sept 1, 2023 to Aug 31, 2024
Studio 1: $17* - $44 / Hour based on usage.
Studio 2: $17* - $33 / Hour based on usage.
Studio 3: $17* - $44 / Hour based on usage.
Studio 4: $17* - $33 / Hour based on usage.

20% off for 4.5+ hours per week, continuous monthly renters only, cannot be combined with other discounts or Arts Worker Rehearsal Rates.
10% off for 10 hours per month, occasional and monthly renters, cannot be combined with other discounts or Arts Worker Rehearsal Rates.
* - Arts Worker Rehearsal Rate: applicable for REHEARSALS ONLY. All classes, workshops, private lessons, studio showings, etc. where patrons, collaborators or clients pay to attend should be booked at standard studio rates.

+ 15% for large equipment / film gear.

Equipment & Supplies
Aux Cords, Bluetooth / iPhone Dongles, Foldable Chairs and Tables, Cleaning Supplies, Ballet Barres, Pilates Mats, Extension Cords, Filtered Water, Kitchenette, Free Wi-Fi